Robert H. Patton
I've published three novels, two histories, and a family memoir. My most recent novel, Cajun Waltz, was published by Thomas Dunne Books at St. Martin's Press in June 2016. It's a swampy tale of family, music, love, and picturesque mayhem set in southwest Louisiana during the first half of Twentieth Century. Good people and bad behavior - what could be better!
After taking degrees in literature and journalism from Brown University and Northwestern University, I worked as a Capitol Hill reporter, a commercial fisherman, and a real estate developer before publishing The Pattons: A Personal History of an American Family to wide acclaim in 1994. The book chronicles five generations of ancestors culminating in my grandfather, General George S. Patton of World War Two fame. My books since then include Patriot Pirates, about Revolutionary War privateering; and in 2014, Hell Before Breakfast, about America’s first international war correspondents. Next up is a series of historical novels set in the maritime world of the Revolution and the War of 1812. Look for Book One from Thomas Dunne next year.
I follow sports, politics, culture, and world affairs, play blues guitar, and I occasionally tweet as @rhpatton from the perspective of a radical middle-of-the-roader. My wife and I live in Darien CT and have four sons and five grandchildren.
I took the photo below while fishing in Long Island Sound. The sun's rising or setting, depending on my mood.
After taking degrees in literature and journalism from Brown University and Northwestern University, I worked as a Capitol Hill reporter, a commercial fisherman, and a real estate developer before publishing The Pattons: A Personal History of an American Family to wide acclaim in 1994. The book chronicles five generations of ancestors culminating in my grandfather, General George S. Patton of World War Two fame. My books since then include Patriot Pirates, about Revolutionary War privateering; and in 2014, Hell Before Breakfast, about America’s first international war correspondents. Next up is a series of historical novels set in the maritime world of the Revolution and the War of 1812. Look for Book One from Thomas Dunne next year.
I follow sports, politics, culture, and world affairs, play blues guitar, and I occasionally tweet as @rhpatton from the perspective of a radical middle-of-the-roader. My wife and I live in Darien CT and have four sons and five grandchildren.
I took the photo below while fishing in Long Island Sound. The sun's rising or setting, depending on my mood.